Galaxy Absolute Return Fund

A fundamentally driven, relative value hedge fund focusing on misunderstood digital asset themes and adjacent technologies. 

Launch Date: January 15, 2025


Day 1 Investors1

Standard Investors
Management Fee 1.5% 2.0%
Performance Fee 15.0% 20.0%
Minimum Investment $250K $1M
[1] Day 1 terms are offered for additional subscriptions up to 6 months after initial investment at an amount equivalent to or less than Day 1 investment or until $50M total external AUM. 

Fund Details:

Investable Universe: Digital Asset-Related Equities, ETFs/ETPs, Fixed Income, Trusts, Options, and Futures

Direct Crypto Token Exposure: Zero

Investment Team: Chris Rhine, CFA (PM) +5 Analysts/Traders

Annualized Volatility: ~15%

Exposure: Gross, up to 200%; Net, -75% to +75%

Annualized Correlation to S&P: -0.2 to +0.2


Invest with Galaxy